August 12, 2016

Consumer Promotion Agency

More often than not, a brilliant product with attractive packaging and just the right pricing gets buried in the maze of brands occupying retail space.

As an entrepreneur how would you make your product stand out in consumer sight and mind ?

Advertisement : TV, Print, Outdoor is mighty expensive. Online promotions has a limited reach yet.

We suggest one singular bright idea. Visual Merchandising at Retail stores.

Theme Ventures as a Consumer promotion Agency has the solution. Let us reach out to the consumer right at the store from where he buys his essentials and where your product is available. Imagine a buyer stepping into a retail store asking for a recognised hair oil. While he is making a purchase across the counter, he notices the large product picture with its utility features staring at him from a human size flex banner hanging on the store wall. As the retailer senses, the fleeting interest of the customer staring at your brand’s flex banner, he quietly pushes your product with customer who is perhaps willing to try a new brand. As a brand owner  you can now perhaps find the connect between Visual Merchandising with sales ?

Theme Ventures a consumer promotion agency in Kolkata Delhi Gurgaon Mumbai, through its trained field force of visual merchandisers, places and regularly maintains small & large “Point of Purchase materials” (POP) across thousands of retail stores. Theme Ventures has a management bandwidth unparalleled in reach across cities and depth of operation in terms of store coverage that it can achieve in various cities & districts.Besides we enable your creative agency to design the POPs and assist your printer with the right sizes and choice of raw material for POPs.

And for the entire process , Theme Ventures charges you a Capsule Cost, which we call Unit Cost or Performance Fee.

You need not pay us for the overheads, manpower salary & conveyance, no HR & management fee either. Have the POP delivered to the distributor point. Pay us for number of stores covered through the promotional material.

As evidence we provide you store pictures and a detailed store profile where POP has been placed.

Sample below pictures of POP placed by us various of our clients across multitude of cities.With every retailer we painstakingly convince the retailer, the benefit of allowing your product POPs to be placed at the store.We also scout for the right placement position.We even arrange for ladder from nearby stores to climb up a height to nail up the flex banner.All this across lacs of stores in hundreds of towns and cities.

Theme Ventures a consumer promotion agency in Kolkata Delhi Gurgaon Mumbai management works in layers.Hand-holding the creative & printing agency of the client.Field Merchandisers Placing & maintain POP material at stores on daily basis.A back-end MIS team putting together the pictures,reports and cross checking with the retailers through a voice call about his satisfaction level and mid level managers supervising the quality of the entire process.